Apex Recovery Room Patreon is a area of exclusive videos of two 10min each sessions uploaded a week, focusing on mobility and flexibility, with also self massage skills for you to follow at home or the gym.
Straight to the point videos
No over the top intro, no chatter, no outro. Any help you need is in the description section. We want you to get on with it and then get out, making the videos manageable means your likely to not skip sessions.
20 min a week of mobility and flexibility.
That's all you need to feel and move better.
Obviously, you can do the sessions as many times a week as you wish.
Self massage skills
Videos will be uploaded teaching you self massage skills, and even videos on how to get someone else to help release your tight muscles.
It's only £11 a month. 20'mins is all you need and having an app which you pay for and it reminds you means your likely to actually stick to this routine